Monday, October 7, 2019

Help My Phone is Taking Over My Life

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The advancements of technology in the 21st century have been remarkable. In a short span of twenty years, people have gone from watching prime-time shows once a week to binge-watching shows on streaming services, having to develop film over the course of a week to uploading albums of pictures by the second, and buying CDs from their favorite artists to streaming them on Spotify and Apple Music. These advancements have made life easier in some aspects, but in others, it has caused humans to devolve.

Young Millennials and Generation Zers have little to no recollection of life without technology. They always remember a TV being in the living room, at least one computer with internet access in the home, and maybe even a cell phone or two. The lives of those 30 years old and younger have quickly been impacted by the surge of technology. In this short time span, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, iPods, Blackberrys, Palm Pilots have all gone extinct and this group of people experienced every single change.

 Smartphones in 2019 do everything that several devices had that ten devices could do 20years ago. With this technology being so readily accessible, it is difficult to peel your phone out of your hand and let go. At any given time, you can check the news, listen to music, scroll through social media, check emails, review bank statements, play a game, order a package online, and take photographer worthy photos within seconds. By having all of these tools at our disposal, it has become clear that there is no real reason to break away from your phone, it does everything.

The problem with the smartphone epidemic of the 2010s is that it allows people to constantly share (and overshare) information throughout the day. Instagram influencers and VSCO girls have become the norm and what is acceptable by society. These people post without regard to anything but their self absorbed selves. With your phone being able to track so much information in such a small amount of time, it is virtually impossible to miss a beat.

In a world that revolves around technology, it is hard to unplug, especially if you've always had devices. The technology craze has driven the world crazy and there's no going back. What will the world become when technology reaches its peak?

Image result for technology political cartoons

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